domingo, 17 de mayo de 2020

jueves, 23 de abril de 2020

Student's book and workbook 4th grade

Student's book and workbook

Tomorrow during the class, we'll use the student's book and the workbook. If you don't have them you can download here:

Friday class

4th Grade online class

Material to be print

Hello dear students!

Receive a greeting, I hope you are at home taking care about your health. Clic Here is the material that has to be printed for the class. Tomorrow we will use it, so you have to print it before the class starts. If you have any doubt you can send me an e-mail to

martes, 21 de abril de 2020

Classroom Code 5th Grade

Good moorning Students!

I hope that everydody is fine and ready to start working. Tomorrow is going to be our class on line, so I need that you join to this group in google classroom use this code: i2mfyc4. There you'll be able to download the material needed. If you have any doubt you can send by this e-mail

Classroom Code 4th Grade

Good moorning Students!

I hope that everydody is fine and ready to start working. Tomorrow is going to be our class on line, so I need that you join to this group in google classroom use this code: ao2nrnc. There you'll be able to download the material needed. If you have any doubt you can send by this e-mail

lunes, 23 de marzo de 2020

Planner activities 5th grade

Hello dear students! Here you'll be able to find the activities you have to do during these next two weeks. 

Resultado de imagen para reminder

Remember that you have to join to an "Edmodo account" to deliver the activity asked.

Go, to this link to create an account in edmodo and look for our class!

Click here

For 5010 our code is 8arxas. For 5020 our code is ve7ahi

Planner Activities 4th grade

Hello dear students! Here you'll be able to find the activities you have to do during these next two weeks. 

Resultado de imagen para reminder

Remember that you have to join to an "Edmodo account" to deliver the activity asked.

Go, to this link to create an account in edmodo and look for our class!

Click here

For 4010 our code is r6jart. For 4020 our code is  qvrt8i

domingo, 8 de marzo de 2020

Guide 4th term V grade (5010-5020)

Good afternoon dear students here you can download the guide corresponding to 4th term, this you have to deliver before the test start. Don't forget to study the topics saw in class.

Guide 4th term IV grade (4010-4020)

Good afternoon dear students here you can download the guide corresponding to 4th term, this you have to deliver before the test start. Don't forget to study verbs in simple past, also the topics saw in class.

martes, 28 de enero de 2020

lunes, 27 de enero de 2020

Guide for 3rd term 4th grade (4010-4020)

Good morning students, here you can download the guide for next term, don´t forget to study for the test and answer this guide.

domingo, 26 de enero de 2020

List of verbs for 4th grade and 5th grade

This document has two sheets, download here, print and paste on your notebook also study the verbs for different tenses.

Guide for 3rd termn 5th Grade (5010-5020)

Morning dear students, this is the guide corresponding to 3rd term for 5th grade (5010-5020) download the document, print and answer. Remember to study for our next test! Have a nice weekend!

miércoles, 8 de enero de 2020

Student's book and worbook

Good evening teens! I told you that today you were able to download some material from the student's book and workbook, but it isn't ready yet... Don't worry we'll continue working without that material. See you tomorrow at class.